EICO Whistleblower Scheme → secure and anonymous
"EICO A/S is a responsible organization with an open-minded culture where everyone can express themselves freely, even if you experience irregularities or illegalities. For the employees, communication about these mat-ters should basically take place via the daily communication channels at the workplace. As an employee, you can e.g., always contact your immediate manager or the HR department and/or the undersigned if you experi-ence any irregularities or illegalities. But I am happy that - as a supplement to this - we have set up a formal scheme which gives employees the opportunity to speak up and express themselves if they experience irregularities or illegalities.
However, EICO A/S does not accept that an employee or another person intentionally makes false reports. If a person knowingly submits a false report, it may have legal consequences. If the person in question is employed by EICO A/S, an intentional false report may result in disciplinary sanctions, including resulting in the employ-ee being dismissed. Accusations against individuals, which are both anonymous and unfounded, will be sort-ed out by HjulmandKaptain and will not be processed by EICO A/S.” (CEO, Michael Jacobsen)
Here you will find EICO A/S' Whistleblower Scheme
You can use the scheme if you want to draw attention to illegal or objectionable matters concerning EICO A/S.
The scheme is addressed to employees of EICO A/S.
You can report:
Economic crime such as embezzlement, bribery, fraud and forgery
Providing false or misleading information to public authorities
Violation of workplace safety violations
Environmental damage
Physical violence and sexual abuse
Incidents where employees make significant use of system access to obtain information about colleagues or others, without there being a work-related need
Irregularities regarding accounting and auditing
The above list is only examples. The reports must be based on either knowledge or reasonable suspicion. If you are in doubt as to whether your observation should be reported, you are encouraged to do so. All inquiries are answered and dealt with, as your inquiry is valued.
The whistelblower can choose to remain anonymous.
You can read more about how the Whistleblower Scheme works in the Whistleblower Policy.